Friday, June 18, 2010

I can say "sh*t" if I want to......

So, my dad says that I need a place to talk about my own stuff and that I should leave my stuff off of the blog named after my kids.

He's right.

Here's the deal: I have two very funny little guys I claim as my kids. Ben (he's not quite nine) and Oliver (he's very much two). That alone leads to some pretty cute pictures and very funny stories.

Like the time....nope, wrong blog.

Let me get to my point. Yep, I'm a mom, but it's not the only thing I am. I'm a wife, a friend, a daughter, a fan of 80's hair bands and mourner of MJ. I cuss *gasp*, have a political opinion *shudder* and appreciate a killer martini.

I'm 29 now...fine, 37...and I love my kids more than bacon, but I do want to talk about more than potty training and Mario Kart.

I need a place where I can say "sh*t" if I want to.

So, my dad made me get this blog and I'm glad he did. You, on the other hand? We'll just have to see.



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